Hello reader!
Today I’m inviting you to explore the crazy world of Uranus in Gemini, as it will soon get there (It’s for summer).
To understand an astrological combination, I like, in good Libra Mercury style, to look at it with one eye first, then with the other eye so that I get two visions, which will partly agree and partly conflict.
Then, I let these two points of view interact in my mind until they find a way to unite and form a binocular vision so to speak.
The first eye looks at Uranus in Gemini with a purely symbolic approach. I evoke the spirit of Uranus, then the spirit of Gemini, I dip Uranus into Gemini, imaginary bubbles burst out and deliver a few pictures.
This approach is fun, creative, and surprising at times; it’s like the story of the madman in the yard of the psychiatric hospital. The guy was walking to and fro, mumbling, and every now and then, bursting out laughing. A member of staff asked him to explain his behaviour.
‘I am not mumbling. I am telling stories to myself. It’s a nice passtime’.
‘Ah? And why are you laughing?’
‘Sometimes I tell myself a joke I didn’t know’
This was a first illustration of what you can get when Uranus gets into Gemini. Uranus the fierce anti conformist can do the Gemini thing, talking, without needing an interlocutor other than himself. He can also play chess on his own.
This was also an earnest description of the first way to approach symbols. Letting them unfold and interact mentally, you end up telling yourselves interpretations that you didn’t know. Getting insights is what happens when the madman was not that mad after all.
(But he may enjoy passing off as mad with secret arrogance)
Uranus is dry like a stroke of lighting. It tears the sky up as if it were a sheet of paper in annoyed hands. Ruled by Mercury, Gemini is dry as well. It literally runs on our nerves. (It rules them.) I’m getting visions of electric cats.
If a lighting ball appears between two twins, as attached to each other as they may be, it may make them fall apart and onto the ground, charred.
Unless these twins are powerful enough to handle the power and play with it: together in the reactor we melt and weld. We will never be at war again!
We, humans, are all twins: we are brothers and sisters. We are different, like Uranus likes. At the same time we are all the same. We can gather on the same wavelength. We know telepathy. We know energy fields. Community is frequency. Turn on, Tune In, you don’t need LSD, Stay connected.*
Reclaim humanity!
Mercury in Libra here. I was not writing a manifesto, just painting Uranus in Gemini on a mental canvas. I hope we will get the beautiful side of the picture.
The second eye looks at Uranus in Gemini with an empirical approach. Have you heard that Evangeline Adams had predicted, in 1931, that the United States would enter into war in 1942? Her prediction was based, in part, on the return of Uranus in Gemini.
She had noticed that previous passages of Uranus in the sign of the twins corresponded to major wars. In 1861, the civil war, and in 1775 the American revolution. She combined this observation with other astrological calculations to make her prediction. In 1942, after Pearl Harbor, the United States declared war to Japan.
(At the time, Uranus had already ingressed into Gemini and was back in Taurus in retrograde motion.)
Here is the link to an article by Anthony Louis about it: https://tonylouis.wordpress.com/2020/02/26/how-evangeline-adams-predicted-world-war-ii/
Evangeline Adams used another chart for the US than the one which is the most commonly accepted chart today. (There is not one right chart and only other wrong charts but that’s another hole, not for today’s rabbit.)
In this chart of the US, Uranus in Gemini is dominant, conjunct the Descendant, in the seventh house of partners or open enemies. Ruled by Mercury, itself in opposition with Pluto, with Mars a few steps ahead, it’s a rather tense placement, which I would interpret as ‘handle with care’.
The second world war would end when the US would drop atomic bombs on Japan. In the event chart of Hiroshima, you can see Uranus in Gemini, conjunct Mars, ready to fall from right above, on the MC.
What I find amazing, astrologically, is that today, as Uranus is about to ingress into Gemini (it’s for July 2025) is that the United States has elected a president who has Uranus in Gemini strongly emphasised in his natal chart: his Sun (which is also his Ascendant ruler) is conjunct Uranus, and conjunct the North Node, as if to say: Uranus in Gemini is the way forward.
Uranus is not necessarily progressive, politically speaking! Uranus Trump appeared on the political scene as different, unexpected, breaking the rules, controversial, radical… His use of language is certainly not what we were used to hearing.
He is very different from Che Guevara who had also a dominant Uranus, in Aries conjunct his Ascendant.
I don’t do predictions. The right way to use astrology, is, in my view (and I’m not the only one), to ask the questions:
How can we deal with this energy?
I would say:
Handle with consciousness.
Remember the first eye, open the third.
Turn on. Tune in. Stay connected…
Are you thinking of treating yourself to an astrology reading or taking a class?
I offer taster readings (£15 for 15 minutes, £25 for 30 minutes), a very affordable option is the spontaneous reading (unprepared, first impressions)…
My last post for paid subscribers, there is a preview, you can read the first lines.
* “Turn on, Tune in, Drop out”
Timothy Leary,
Moon in Aquarius conjunct Uranus in Pisces
A hero of human consciousness according to Alan Ginsberg
The most dangerous man in America according to Richard Nixon
A leader of the psychedelic movement in the sixties.
First, great article! As someone who has passed time surprising myself with the jokes I come up with I engage with creative dialogue between various archetypal characters in my head---and as someone who had a very similar experience to your example, though I was in a Japanese jail and knew that even if I was the greatest Japanese communicator ever, the stiff-ass, silly boy in a policeman's uniform at my cell's entrance asking me what I was laughing about wouldn't have been able to understand the joke. Jokes aren't easily explained, right?
Second, your description at the start of the article conjured up those ridiculous Wonder Twins from the 1970s/1980s superhero cartoons---where they touch each other and do that silly, "Wonder Twins power ... activate!" Man, we American Gen Xers grew up watching some low-quality stuff! LOL
Last, and more seriously, yesterday as I usually do on the weekends, I was taking a bike ride and listening to the "America: This Week" subscribers-only podcast between co-hosts Matt Taibbi and Walter Kirn and, without the use astrological insight (as far as I know) the two of them were describing exactly what you see in Trump's natal chart, what's SO obvious---the dude IS both a Uranian and a Plutonian figure, and yes, anyone who wants to attribute only positive aspects to Uranus isn't doing astrology---all of these planets, signs, and aspects have positive and negative manifestations!
Anyway, even though the election was reasonably close (despite Trump winning the popular vote and all of the swing states---most of those were within a few percentage points), I believe that Trump's natal promise is distinctly tied up with America's and, no matter what people think of him or his administration, it's clear that Trump Round 2 is, for the first time in several decades (since JFK? Reagan?) that a presidential administration was going to do Uranus to the country. Shocks to the system can be VERY hard, and I am VERY concerned about the mental health of my fellow Americans, but the sooner people can embrace these Uranian energies themselves and not get so worked up in HOW others are embracing them, the better we'll all be.
Okay, again, great article! Thanks for writing and sharing it!
It should be so interesting to find out how the energy unfolds… ♊️ 🤡